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IT Services from CBA: Beyond Just Applications

We do not only provide applications and the associated licenses but also support you with extensive knowledge of the products.

We perform health checks on your application(s). Additionally, you can use a strip card, which allows you to reach us anytime for questions or support when needed.

We go beyond just delivering products; we want to be your trusted partner in IT. With our smart tools and thorough analyses, we not only ensure a more efficient working environment but also increase IT awareness. Together, we make your organization future-proof and stronger.

Why Choose our Services?

  • On-site of remote consultancy/support
  • Trainingen en productsessies
  • Helpdesk analyse
  • Aanbieder van zeer compleet pakket aan IT software
  • Zowel Nederlands als Engelse support
  • Cloud Service en Werkplekbeheer

On-Site or Remote Consultancy

One of our experienced, certified consultants will handle the implementation or optimization of the chosen product. This includes the installation, configuration, and/or training. The consultant ensures that everything goes according to plan and works smoothly. The implementation follows the guidelines below:

More about

Intake: Inventory of wishes and requirements regarding the project.

Plan: After the intake, the consultant issues a plan with the time schedule and amount of hours. In addition, the requirements for configuration, system requirements, and required availability of internal staff are clearly indicated to avoid delays in the project.

Start Implementation: Upon customer approval, we begin implementation of the product or service.

Report: Upon completion, an implementation report, including delivery documentation and installation parameters is provided.

Acceptance and evaluation period: This phase lasts up to one month after completion of the implementation.

On-Site or Remote Support

We offer two options for support:

  1. Fixed appointments
  2. Ad-hoc support with a strip card

1. Fixed Appointments

Pre-agreed number of hours per month/year for maintenance, optimization, and/or updates. A good example of this are the periodic Health checks and our Update service. Where we give advice on possible optimizations or adjustments in the use of the application or ensure that your applications are regularly updated.

2. Ad-Hoc Support with Strip Card

Is a fast response important? Then go for the ad-hoc support via a strip card. This is a package of 10, 20 or more hours at a fixed price. The linked Service Level Agreement (SLA) specifies the time frame within which we handle the request.


Training and Knowledge Sessions

Does your organization use one of our applications or are you about to start using a new one? We offer customized training. Whether it’s for new users or system administrators and admins: we tailor the training to the right level.

We also organize knowledge sessions. Together we look at which configuration, add-on, or product that best suits the specific situation. After an initial inventory of wishes and requirements, together we take a closer look at the possible options. Once you have chosen a specific product (or combination thereof), we can start a Proof of Concept (POC) to test the application in your working environment.

Helpdesk Analyses

We offer two types of helpdesk analyses: the QuickScan and the DeepScan, regardless of which helpdesk tool your organization uses.

With the QuickScan you get a quick insight into the quality of your application and discover which features you are not using or not using optimally. Our consultant analyzes the application and implementation of the top 3 business processes within your helpdesk. Within one day we perform the following steps:

With the QuickScan you get a quick insight into the quality of your application and discover which features you are not using or not using optimally. Our consultant analyzes the application and implementation of the top 3 business processes within your helpdesk. Within one day we perform the following steps:

  • Inventory of your open questions and wishes
  • Execution of the QuickScan, including:
  • Configuration check on 100 points
  • Check for unused or unknown functions
  • Check for integration with other ManageEngine products



The DeepScan gives you full insight into the flow of reports and all business processes used within your organization. Together with an experienced consultant you define the objectives of the DeepScan, and we sign a confidential NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) to ensure privacy and confidentiality.

Where are the most questions coming from, and what are the main IT challenges?
Which business processes are time-consuming and incur the most costs?
What is the quality of your business processes, and what do you want to achieve with them?
Are there opportunities to save costs?
What migrations are possible with other products and services?
How is the performance and what agreements have been made with the business?


Project Management

CBA has a strong team of experienced project leaders and consultants who not only organize the implementation of our products, but also other types of projects. For example: of the renewal of IT processes within your organization, the inventory and adjustment of information security and policy, performing security checks, and organizing awareness programs or sessions.

In addition, we can temporarily deploy a team leader or IT manager for your organization. This does not require the use of our applications; we work as an independent partner with the goal of making your project successful and measurable.

Unified Endpoint Management Services

Do you want to be completely unburdened with workplace management? Then our cloud service might be for you.

We make sure your endpoints, operating systems, applications, configurations, and containers are always up-to-date. We do this using applications such as Endpoint Central, Mobile Device Manager, OpManager, and other tools.

This ensures that all endpoints - whether Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or other devices - are always up-to-date and properly secured.

ITOM: Full monitoring of your IT infrastructure, including network, servers, applications, databases, enterprise password management, Active Directory management, and audits. Endpoint Full Service: Includes periodic equipment replacement.


Iboya Total Health Academy

IT tools zijn belangrijk maar de mens is dienen we ook niet te vergeten CBABenelux, heeft veel organisaties van binnen gezien en kent hierdoor als geen ander het belang van werknemers. Zij zijn het fundament van uw organisatie.

Met het juiste gereedschap dat wij leveren in de vorm van softwareproducten is de organisatie er dus niet alleen!

Vitale, efficiënte en gelukkige medewerkers binnen uw organisatie zijn daarom essentieel. Met dit in het achterhoofd hebbe wij een partnership met Iboya Total Health Academy gesloten.

Somewhere, somehow, something went very fast terrible wrong....

Iboya Total Health Academy heeft een uniek onlineprogramma ontwikkeld waarbij binnen een aantal dagen de 1ste stap gezet door deze nieuwe totaalbenadering (holotisch) voor een optimaal resultaat binnen uw organisatie. Meer vitaliteit, rust met minder pijn en stress en gelukkiger, ook privé!

Met bekende personal trainingscoach Iboya Total Health Academy bieden wij een laagdrempelige online platform of bedrijfs-workshops over lifestyle werkhouding, voeding, mindfulness awareness en toepassingen met leuke en handige praktijkoefeningen, lachen is ook gezond, om je mentaal en fysiek te verbeteren.

Dit heeft direct een positief resultaat in uw organisatie door minder uitval, meer teamspirit, meer plezier en omzet. Maar ook privé voor hen die deze Total Health Online platform of workshop van Iboya Total Health hebben gevolgd!

Bij de inventarisatie zullen de volgende onderwerpen aan het licht komen:
Juiste houding en technieken
Effectief bewegen met direct meer resultaat
Pure voeding, voedingspatronen, fabels en waarheid
Lifestyle advies
Werkplek advies.